
Natural Sponges

Natural Sponges

The natural sponges come from the Aegean Sea and the north coast of Africa, from a Greek family business in Kalmynos that has existed

since the end of the 18th century and has passed on its knowledge from generation to generation.

Natural sponges are very suitable for all skin types and have been used for body care for centuries. 
It is the most natural and gentle way to cleanse, exfoliate and massage the skin. In contrast to an artificial sponge, 
a natural sponge can absorb much more liquid and is suitable for everyday cleaning of the face and body. It is more durable than artificial sponges 
and also biodegradable. Wash yourself daily with a natural sponge and your skin will be smooth and healthy.
There are bleached and unbleached sponges.
The bleached sponges are light in color and become very delicate due to the bleaching, but are often not as 
durable as the unbleached sponges due to the bleaching. The unbleached sponges are pure nature, the color tends to be brownish.