
BIO Alepposoap

BIO Alepposoap
BIO Alepposoap

Especially now we would like to emphasize the antiseptic & antiviral properties of bay oil, frequent hand washing with the Aleppo soap does not dry out in contrast to conventional soaps.


The one and only..... Zhenobya Aleppo soap

Vegan - 100% natural & biodegradable - for all skintypes 

Aleppo soap is famous throughout the world - her history goes back more than thousand of years. The "savon de Marseille" is a replica of Alepposoap, but produced without laurel oil.

Alepposoap cleans and nourishing the skin and hair. Olive Oil supports the self regulation function of the skin and thereby the perspiration. This is simply because the unsaturated fats in the oive oil are very similar with the fat of our skin. Because this is well absorbed and conjoined with the own protection ystem of the body. It cleans the skin deeply, eliminated the peeled cornea layer, sweat, dust and seburn. Prevents infection and eliminates foul odurs. Laurel oil has antiseptic effects - the skin can breathe and sweat without lossing humidity. It is also recommended if you suffer from dermatitis, acne, eczema and neurodermitis. Since there are no artifical or chemical additives its the reliable guarantee from allergies or other attacks that maybe harm the skin if you use an industrial soap.

 Production takes place only in the time between November and March. Besides the ilive oil is merged in big kettles with water released soda. The mixture is heated up to more than 200 degrees and is stirred until the olive oil disintegrates completely into glycerin and the sodium slat of the olive oil.

Short before the process is finished, laurel oil is added. This is done by the "soap master", tasting the "salt free" soap and completing the process. The soda solution is let down from the kettle and the soap mixture washed out with fresh water until is complete free of lye. After the water is let our, the soap is left over night for dewatering and cooling.

The still green paste is equably distribueted on a prepared ground and let there few hours for hardening. With a hand cutter it is cut in cubes and stamped with the company name. Before the soap can go to the market it must matured at least six months to dry completely. The soap is stacked  - this takes a very long time because there must be space all around the bars. The olive-green colour marks the high interest in Vitamin E

BIO Alepposoap - certified according to the guidelines of ICADA for certified natural cosmetics (



- For mild cleansing of face, body and hair
- Recommended for problem skin, acne, eczema, neurodermatitis
- For shave – suitable even for sensitive skin
- Suitable for washing and removing stains from even most delicate material
- Stored between clothes in wardrobe keeps moths away and give a pleasant flavor

Our soap is not produced, Zhenobya Aleppo soap develops over time….

Made of Olive- and Laurel Oil with no artificial colourings, synthetic fragrances, preseratives or chemical additives, Aleppo soap is a 100 % natural product. It combines the oldest possible production methods (mainly hand-crafted) with the most natural ingredients possible. This makes the Aleppo soap unique in the combination of history, ingredients and production methods. The soap cleans and nourishes the skin and hair. The olive oil supports the self regulation function of the skin and thereby the perspiration. This is simply because the unsaturated fats in the olive oil are very similar to the fat of our skin. Therefore it is well absorbed and conjoined with the own protection system of the body. It cleans the skin deeply, eliminates the peeled horny skinlayer, sweat and dust. It prevents

infection and eliminates foul odours. Laurel (bay leaf) oil has antiseptic effects and a very good antibacterial activity. The skin can breathe and sweat without loosing humidity. It is also recommended if you suffer from dermatitis, acne, eczema and neurodermitis.
Since there are no artificial or chemical additives, Aleppo Soap prevents allergies, skin diseases or other attacks, that maybe harm the skin, if you use an industrial soap.


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BIO Oliveoil Soap

Product no.: 006
4.50 *
1000 g = 22.00 €
In stock
Delivery weight: 200 g

BIo Alepposoap 94% Olive-/6% Bay Leaf Oil

Product no.: 002
4.90 *
1000 g = 24.00 €
In stock

200g BIO Alepposeife 12% Lorbeer-/ 88 % Olivenöl

Product no.: 003
5.90 *
1000 g = 29.00 €
In stock

120g BIO Alepposoap 12% Laurel Oil

Product no.: 22



In stock


Product no.: 623
4.80 *
1000 kg = 32.00 €
In stock
Delivery weight: 150 g

BIO Alepposoap 75% Olive-/25%(Bay leaf Oil

Product no.: 901

BIO Alepposoap with75% Olive- and 25% Laurel (Bay Leaf) Oil


6.50 *
1000 g = 32.50 €
In stock


Product no.: 007

Experience the harmonious combination of olive and laurel oil with camomile

5.95 *
1000 g = 49.58 €
In stock

Aleppo soap with coffee - introductory price

Product no.: 008

Are you looking for a morning freshness boost for your skin? 

5.95 *
1000 g = 49.58 €
In stock

Alepposoap Milk & Honey

Product no.: 403

Aleppo soap with honey gentle care for supple skin

5.95 *
1000 g = 49.58 €
In stock

Aleppo soap with black cumin - introductory price

Product no.: 009

Have you already discovered the benefits of black cumin for your skin?

5.95 *
1000 g = 49.58 €
In stock


Product no.: 010

Curious about how goat's milk can transform your skin?

5.95 *
1000 g = 49.58 €
In stock

Aleppo soap with Pine Tar

Product no.: 23

Aleppo soap with Pine tar - traditional natural soap for special men's care

5.95 *
1000 g = 49.58 €
In stock

Alepposoap Cinnamon - Introductory Price

Product no.: 011

Are you looking for a unique skincare experience? 

5.95 *
1000 g = 49.58 €
In stock

Alepposoap Clay

Product no.: 085




4.50 *
1000 g = 43.50 €
In stock
Delivery weight: 100 g

Bio Alepposoap Dead Sea Salt

Product no.: 184
4.50 *
1000 g = 44.00 €
In stock
Delivery weight: 100 g

Zhenobya Oliveoilsoap

Product no.: 02
In stock

Olive oil soap for Ukraine + 1 candle

Product no.: 800

Restart on 01.01.2025 - You donate a soap, we add a candle!


Donated candles 26 plus 26 soaps


31.12.2024 - Candles and soaps sent to Mr. Kapyshon

Dear Ms. Frank, dear Mr. AL-Machout,
I wish you all the best for the New Year 2025 and thank you very much for your donation for Ukraine!
I very much hope that 2025 will also be a good year for Syria!

Our neighbors have accepted all four large boxes, everything is there and will soon be going to Ukraine.

Best wishes and Happy New Year once again!
Taras Kapyshon



donated soaps: 130  plus candles from us:  130                                        

donated toothbrushes: 7

Candles large: 14


Our donation arrived, we received following email:

Hello Ms. Frank,
Hello Mr. Al-Machout,

Your donation arrived yesterday, April 30, and will soon be going to Ukraine.
Thank you very much for continuing to support Ukraine in these difficult times!
Best regards from Bad Wimpfen!
Taras Kapyshon

We are currently packing up the candles and soaps that have been donated so far and will send them to Mr. Kapyshon at the beginning of next week. (29.04.24)

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers for their active and unceasing support. We start with the fourth relief campaign

Restart on 05.01.2024 - you donate a soap, we add a candle!

Soaps donated: 98 plus 98 candles from us

donated toothbrushes: 0

candles donated: 3

1.60 *
1000 g = 16.00 €
In stock

Liquid Aleppo Soap

Product no.: 95

Also suitable as a shower gel - very mild cold-stirred liquid soap based on olive/ laurel oil

* Prices incl. VAT, plus Shipping